25 April 2009

Conservatism Failing or On the Rise?

Recently, I have neglected to follow the news and understand its most important subject: conservatism. What is conservatism? Many conclude it is a typology from the Republican Party. Is it? Probably not as much, since there are many "Republicans" who are single-issue Republicans. However, the real conservative probably is best defined by Jonathan Krohn's four principles of conservatism: "respect for the Constitution, respect for Life, less government, and personal responsibility."

These, in Krohn's view, are the constants of Conservatism. Are they valid? While I will admit fully I have not read his book, I should conclude from his synopsis that this is very much valid. So the real question you are asking is how does this pertain to the rising or falling of conservatism? I will give an example:

In the past few weeks, two friends of mine M and L--as I respect their identity--were in a store shopping for some essential food items. I commented to M that I found it funny that we spent 10 minutes discussing which brand of water to buy. Naturally, M responded with a remark that went like, "well you gotta get the biggest bang for your buck." Of course, he is correct! How could one, in an economic times such as this not look at the value of what your buying and not get the most out of it. After that, I sat down in my dorm and pondered something: if only people learned this responsibility and factored it into their life could they make a great impact on life and the community. Being frugal, as my dad taught me, is better. Use coupons when they come about and splurge rarely when you get the chance.

Now you may be wondering why I am talking about my personal beliefs and how it really connects to conservatism's failure or rise, right? Well here it is: if we could put the frugality back into government, we could easily run with less bureaucracy and less governmental oversight; especially in the free-market capitalist economy we so live in, or what's left of it. So what does this really mean for those "die hard conservatives?" It literally means we must continue to serve as an example of conservatives and implore that others will follow our example and see how each time you truly pay be the means in which you live can benefit you in the long run.

What else does this do for our fine country? It also reaches to those to preserve this ideology and its productive behavior that will instill--or hopefully--a larger perspective of our ultimate teachings.

So it is my hope you take this lesson and put in your life and show those spending losers just how much their "way" is total crap!