I've said it before, and today, I'll say it again: the Republican Party is dead. The Trump regime, under his mob-like, dictatorial, Stalin-esque style of Party politics has done irreparable damage to the once great party of Lincoln.
Trumps Politburo has condemned sanity, rationality, and quite frankly, core Republican values enshrined from our greatest leaders: Lincoln and Eisenhower (no Regean was a factual sellout and 'RINO'). We owe this great debacle to several key factors: the failure of actually progressing the ideology of limited government, simple taxation, and cronyism/nepotism.
Trumpist Politburo surrogates have become tantamount to megalomania and Putin-esque oligarchic "if you're not with us, you're against us and you will die." Granted, this notion far precedes any current candidate and even prior to the usage from George W. Bush. Nevertheless, Trumpist surrogates have become the epitome of the far-right/alt-right movement who see sanity and compromise as the antithesis of reason and rationality, much like the Leftist regime of SJWs and the kind who say "if you disagree with me your: misogynistic, bigoted, transphobic, and Islamaphobic" as their only reasonable retorts to factual evidence and mathematical principles of law.
Let me be clear that in no way or form am I saying that I'd vote for Hillary, which could be another post! However, in regards to the Party that I've identified with for much of life, it has become the very evil we once stood against. The principles of Conservatism are for everyone, the application of these principles have been highly neglected by the Far Right and the Christian Right. This fierce opposition which started with Regean and culminated into what is now Trumpism, is the very antithesis of pragmatic conservatism and truthful Republican ideals....in the words of Queen Amidala, Ruler of Naboo, "If this body is incapable of action, I suggest new leadership is needed. I move for a vote of no confidence in Chancellor [Trump's] leadership."
No truer words have been so pivotal in this election than the error of the party allowing the Trump arrogance seep into our party politics. Reince Priebus has become a mockery of a leader. Only the true Republicans, who are seen by the Alt-Right/Christian Right/Far Right as the epitome of evil. This is barbaric in rhetoric, and quite frankly, arrogant.
This Party must break apart to become better. The new forces of rationality, sanity, and compassion based on Lincoln's and Eisenhower's ideologies can only make this--and should I dare say--new party become more powerful! The Left must be stopped for the overreaching PC culture, their dominance in education, their failure to actually fix the issues. Clearly, Europe's "peace, love, and inclusion" has made for even the President of France to question his actions. After 5 attacks under his tenure, is it any real solution to just allow unfettered access to their lands? No, even the Jedi knew that allowing everyone to have their rights as people be limited to damaging others (inciting violence and death).
Hillary is just as bad as Trump, just as vile, just as powerful in total hegemonic demagoguery. Her and Trump are two forces that must be taken down. We can ill afford a Presidency that does more damage to the populace than aid it. Many of the population will learn, when there is nothing left, that our two leaders of the Party--which have strayed so far--are the very evil we stand against.
I suggest we create a new party, a moderate Conservative party, that can and will do everything to become what the Democrats and Republicans are severely failing to accomplish.
Trumps Politburo has condemned sanity, rationality, and quite frankly, core Republican values enshrined from our greatest leaders: Lincoln and Eisenhower (no Regean was a factual sellout and 'RINO'). We owe this great debacle to several key factors: the failure of actually progressing the ideology of limited government, simple taxation, and cronyism/nepotism.
Trumpist Politburo surrogates have become tantamount to megalomania and Putin-esque oligarchic "if you're not with us, you're against us and you will die." Granted, this notion far precedes any current candidate and even prior to the usage from George W. Bush. Nevertheless, Trumpist surrogates have become the epitome of the far-right/alt-right movement who see sanity and compromise as the antithesis of reason and rationality, much like the Leftist regime of SJWs and the kind who say "if you disagree with me your: misogynistic, bigoted, transphobic, and Islamaphobic" as their only reasonable retorts to factual evidence and mathematical principles of law.
Let me be clear that in no way or form am I saying that I'd vote for Hillary, which could be another post! However, in regards to the Party that I've identified with for much of life, it has become the very evil we once stood against. The principles of Conservatism are for everyone, the application of these principles have been highly neglected by the Far Right and the Christian Right. This fierce opposition which started with Regean and culminated into what is now Trumpism, is the very antithesis of pragmatic conservatism and truthful Republican ideals....in the words of Queen Amidala, Ruler of Naboo, "If this body is incapable of action, I suggest new leadership is needed. I move for a vote of no confidence in Chancellor [Trump's] leadership."
No truer words have been so pivotal in this election than the error of the party allowing the Trump arrogance seep into our party politics. Reince Priebus has become a mockery of a leader. Only the true Republicans, who are seen by the Alt-Right/Christian Right/Far Right as the epitome of evil. This is barbaric in rhetoric, and quite frankly, arrogant.
This Party must break apart to become better. The new forces of rationality, sanity, and compassion based on Lincoln's and Eisenhower's ideologies can only make this--and should I dare say--new party become more powerful! The Left must be stopped for the overreaching PC culture, their dominance in education, their failure to actually fix the issues. Clearly, Europe's "peace, love, and inclusion" has made for even the President of France to question his actions. After 5 attacks under his tenure, is it any real solution to just allow unfettered access to their lands? No, even the Jedi knew that allowing everyone to have their rights as people be limited to damaging others (inciting violence and death).
Hillary is just as bad as Trump, just as vile, just as powerful in total hegemonic demagoguery. Her and Trump are two forces that must be taken down. We can ill afford a Presidency that does more damage to the populace than aid it. Many of the population will learn, when there is nothing left, that our two leaders of the Party--which have strayed so far--are the very evil we stand against.
I suggest we create a new party, a moderate Conservative party, that can and will do everything to become what the Democrats and Republicans are severely failing to accomplish.
The Republican Party needs to be modeled after President Trump’s. Trump was the greatest president this country has ever had, since Lincoln. Not to mention, the first president to openly support the LGBT. It’s no wonder he received 45% of their vote in 2020. I hope he runs for re-election in 2024, he will win by a landslide, like he did in 2020. Had democrats not stolen it. π€·π»♂️πΊπΈ