“Once more the Sith will rule the galaxy, and we shall have peace,” the Emperor uttered right before Jedi Temple was sacked and the Separatist Council was eliminated by his agent of evil, Darth Vader. The political climate of the pre-Galactic Empire, was utter turmoil, both with Separatist planets and Republic planets still believing that their goals were to be met by their armies.
Over the course of the next 19 to 26 years, the Empire would shed its Republic notions and legal framework and begin to see the final stages of an Imperial government. By A New Hope, the Emperor dissolved the Imperial Senate and thus ushering in the era of peace long desired by the Republic and its adherent bodyguards, Jedi. While the Empire is regarded among most of the Star Wars fanatics as evil and diabolical, it does warrant merits of the ushering in peace and justice—just not the way the Jedi Council and Republic Loyalists would have argued and petitioned.
If we meld our world into the Star Wars universe, we’d probably be living in the Mid Rim, Outer Rim or the Unknown Regions. Suffice it to say, let’s posit that we’re in the more approachable Mid Rim, where our loyalties lay with the Confederacy of Independent Systems and say we’re close to Kashyyyk. After Order 66 and the subsequent elimination of the Separatist Council leaders, our planet is invaded by Imperial forces, and with their clone army and vast superior force, we fold. (Also, we must meld our planet into a single body of governance, so for arguments sake, we have a one world government.)
The great question of our time: who would Emperor Palpatine chose to control Earth, Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. Now before you begin to shout one over the other, we have to take into account the politics and nature of the Imperial “New Order” program and just how each candidate would fit into the “New Order.”
Let’s take Donald Trump first. Some of the more key components for the Emperor wanting Trump would be for his favoring the military and its capacity to function, as such, his spending would encourage a larger Imperial Navy and Army. His immigration policies would also be a key factor as the Emperor believed in forced slavery of any species that wasn’t human. In as much as we can gather, the social issues aren’t much of a concern as the knowledge of what actually takes place in their society (i.e. marriage, same-sex marriage, abortion, pay, jobs, etc.) We do know that healthcare is provided, prior to the Clone Wars, and this Trumps health plans would not be in alignment with the Emperor’s. We’d also have to believe that the Emperor would somewhat favor Trump in criminal issues as the Internal Security Bureau would have almost the same capacity of an enlarged quasi-FBI-CIA-KGB mix agency to do with terrorists and enemies of the State.
The Emperor would probably agree more with Clinton on her domestic policies of restriction of guns, the “No-Fly” list ban for guns. She’d also be in agreement with the taxation of specific economic classes, and supporting a general standard of education throughout the planet in accordance with Imperial Law. However, while we cannot say for certain how much the Emperor would allow for Clinton to be a Moff, since we cannot ascertain whether or not the society itself would have allowed it. Yet, she would be loyal to the Emperor and would be more easily controlled Moff. Her foreign policy and immigration stance would not be in agreement with the Emperor’s and would therefore be very problematic. Her and Trump would gain points for the application of the Death penalty, as the ISB would be using this most along with the Imperial Navy for rebellious planets who did not agree with Imperial rule of law.
I would say that while each of the candidates have just an equal amount of merits and demerits as candidate for Moff, the Emperor would probably chose neither in the end. In fact, I’d believe that Trump would be executed by the ISB for not following Imperial orders. I also believe that Hillary would be replaced due to her continual pushes to change the stances for the planet, or by certain unrest planet wide in which the Emperor would send more troops to quell the rebellion and execute her for her ineptitude and inability to squash the rebellion herself.