17 July 2014

MH17: A State Sponsored Terrorist Attack?

Just around noon today, Malaysian Flight 17 had lost contact with the towers. Moments later, all US news broke in to report that Interfax, a non-governmental news agency based in Russia claimed that Pro-Russian militants and rebels had shot down the flight in an attempt to attack a Ukrainian warplane or barge transporting items to the region.

What does this all mean for the world? With all the passengers and crew--totaling 295 humans, it means that there is a clear problem with the regional stability and the actual conflict that has been fought for months between Russia and Ukraine. The international community, to date, has done excessively little to help or aid in the problem. No UN peacekeepers or peace enforcers--two totally different things--have yet to be sent in. In essence, the world has not acknowledged that any such actions have existed. This is a world issue, with Russia--under the power of Putin, a longstanding KGB officer, it has become a kettle pot of intrigue and devastation as it attempts to rebuild its former bloc states to "protect" itself from the West. (Russia did this in response to the invasions from years past, including the French invasion under Napoleon)

As for America, this poses a unique and horrible outcome. Should this attack be linked to the Pro-Russian rebels and that they were armed with the weaponry built by and funded by the Kremlin, the first hand story of state-sponsored terrorism has been shown. This type of terrorism leads many to believe that through state sponsorship, many action may be carried out with the ability to say, "we had no idea they would do such a thing." Another problem is that reports of the manifest show that 23 Americans were on that flight to Malaysia. Compounded with the notions of terrorism as the Ukrainian Ministry of the Inteiror and Defense Ministry claim, this could pull the United States into a conflict with Russia.

Many will say that this is wrong, citing a casus belli to make or affirm public support for the use of force in the region is not warranted. When this action by the Russian government is far from being just a single reason for just cause.

The Ukrainian government has repeatedly asked for international support for a war that has been in their own backyard. Their European allies have failed them, the US has failed them. The entire world has failed them.

We are at the brink of a regional war that will compound into two regional wars. With the failure of the US Department of Defense and the State Department to actually do something productive in Syria, to the near total loss of Iraq to a Al-Qaeda compatriot called ISIS, who is more radical and irrational than Al-Qaeda, and this global over reach by the Russian government, we cannot keep the peace.

Isolationist views, from the current Administration and from other Senators, would have us not worry, that this will be all fixed when we have no entanglements and no worries about the outside. That refocusing every last resource to doing nothing for the international community would be the best for the country is beyond reprehensible.

I am not saying we should entangle ourselves in the Russian conflict with Ukraine, but if it is a terrorist attack from Pro-Russian  rebels who had authorization from Putin, the deaths of those reported Americans will now be a determining factor.

This could also become a key issue in the November mid-term elections.

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